The Marriage Blog Week in Review for July 21-27

Perhaps you were too occupied with summertime fun to do much web surfing last week. If so, here’s your Week in Review, which details all the articles Lyn and I covered while you were busy having fun. Monday, July 21 I pondered the curious case of sister-wives. (Also sometimes known as plural wives.) Tuesday, July 22 Did he forget to do the dishes? If so, Lyn suggests giving him a break and urges you to remember he is only human after all. I wrote about the older couple at church who caught Wayne and I’s eye. A marriage with benefits … Continue reading

Differences in Decision Making

Previously I had discussed how some dating couples who attract due to their differences find themselves rebelling due to them when married. Personality differences in marriage can cause some unique decision making for couples. On one end of the personality spectrum there are mates who tend to make decisions from their gut. They go with their feelings and their heart. On the other end are the mates who prefer to make logical decisions. They think things through and ignore their feelings if they go against what their head tells them is right. This difference can often lead to heated discussions … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for December 31 – January 6

The New Year has officially begun! But in case you were too busy last week ringing it in (or recovering from ringing it in), here’s your Week in Review so you won’t have to wonder what Lyn and I wrote about. Monday, December 31 Resolving to Make the Best of Marriage in ‘08 My goals for the Marriage Blog in 2008 included accentuating the positive and figuring out which tools to use to have the best marriage possible. Tuesday, January 1 Personality Differences in Relationships Lyn examined how personality differences can sometimes cause marriages to fail, but they don’t have … Continue reading

Personality Differences in Relationships

Marriage is a big adjustment for some people. While some are good at being able to adjust and make it work, others are not. People in those marriages either end in divorce or are very unhappy. I think that one great contributor to failed marriages is expectations. We seem to expect that our spouse or our significant other will have our same beliefs and share our same personality and our same thoughts. We are amazed, hurt, and even angered when we discover that his or her thoughts, feelings, and desires may be different from our own. Lately I have been … Continue reading

Who Needs Affirmations and Encouraging More?

Do husbands need more reassurance, affirmation and encouragement than wives do? I’d be interested to hear what others think about this. Author and illustrator Graeme Base revealed in his interview on Talking Heads, how he was far more in need of praise and affirmations than his wife Robyn who is also a creative artist. His assessment of his wife was that she was much more independent and did not need to rely on input from him as much. He, on the other hand needed conformation from her about his work. It made me wonder if this is a personality difference … Continue reading

Your’s and Spouse’s Memories May Not Be the Same

Even if you experienced an event together, don’t expect your memories and those of your spouse to be the same. It’s a bit like being at a car accident No two people will see the event the same way. Someone will be able to remember the car and model, maybe even the number plate. Anther person might not have a clue about those things but can tell you the color of the car or what the man or woman involved was wearing, or want time it happened. Yesterday as Mick and I were talking with a friend, he related an … Continue reading

How the Economy Can Affect Your Marriage

An economy in recession can put a lot of stress on a marriage, and not just from increased worry about paying the bills, although of course money worries can always create some tension. In tough times, personality differences, even differences in gender may make the situation ripe for conflict. Let’s talk about this issue and how we can recognize when the economy is affecting our marriages. In a tough economy there may be stress over where the money is spent. If you have one spouse who is a saver and the other who likes to spend, the difference between the … Continue reading

Opposites, But Not

Recently, Lyn wrote an article about opposites attracting and wondered if they can live happily ever after. She pointed out the challenges that such a pairing can create. But not all is as it seems in the world of opposites… We All Have Our Differences To some extent, every relationship has opposite qualities. Some are just more obvious than others. A true opposites attracting match that comes to mind is Dharma & Greg. I wasn’t a big fan of the show when it was on, but I watched it every now and then. She was a free spirited, fun loving, … Continue reading

Are You Happy Most of the Time?

Many women are unhappily married. Likewise many men are also unhappily married. In many cases they remain married. These couples typically have no major event occur that confirms that they need to get out of their marriage. For example there is no infidelity or abuse. In many cases these couples will experience down times and up times. They will have good moments with each other and bad moments with each other. They key is having the good moments outweigh the bad moments. Through all of these ups and downs it can be very difficult to get a grasp on exactly … Continue reading

Could it be Worse?

In some cases we have it better in life than we actually think. Often we find ourselves believing that that the grass is actually greener on the other side. However if we stop and think about what we have and how it could be worse, we may be a little more satisfied with what we have. People have all different views and opinions about what is good and bad in life. They have different feelings and different thoughts on what makes them happy and what makes them angry. Women have different views of how their marriage should run and how … Continue reading